General Intercessions
Fifth Sunday of Ordered Time
February 9, 2025
Presider: Let us thank the Lord for his mercy. For he satisfies the
thirsty soul. The hungry, he fills with good things. With confidence, let us
offer God our needs and concerns.
Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond:
“Lord, Hear our prayer”
1.That Pope Francis, Bishop Luis, clergy, religious, lay leadership, and
catechists teach us how to love one another and grow in love for the Lord, we
2. That trusting in God’s mercy and unconditional love, people in harm’s way
will be courageous in their efforts to save others. May they listen to the
inspiration of the Spirit, trusting in the Lord’s providence, we pray...,
3. That this assembly is attentive to the teaching of the Lord, imprinting in
their hearts the teaching and example of Jesus to apply them to the hours and
minutes of secular living, we pray...
4. That those who practice racism, bigotry, unfair labor practices, and
self-serving politics come to realize the sinfulness of their behaviors and
repent of their thoughts and actions, we pray...
5. That those who work and volunteer time or resources are motivated in their
efforts by the unconditional love God extends them. That the example of God’s
love encourage and energize them to seek people on the margins of society and in
poverty, we pray...
6. That those whose careers expose them to harm’s way are protected from
violence and disease as they provide health, healing, and economic survival to
those they serve, we pray...
7. That families and neighbors who hold grudges repent of their anger and
disrespect and so recognize Christ in those others, we pray...
8. That those who died this past week and those dying this week are welcomed
into the Church triumphant by Jesus, our brother and King. That the intention of
this Mass, (list here) _________ is (are) remembered in our prayers, we pray...
9. In a moment of silence let us offer God our personal needs and concerns of
mind and heart: (pause) Let us place these intentions on the altar with
the material gifts we offer to benefit our community, we pray...
May the grace of the Jubilee Year reawaken in us, Pilgrims of
Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same Grace spread the joy
and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth. To you our God, eternally
blessed, be glory and praise forever.
Response: Amen.