

Litany of Non-Violence

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Litany of Non--Violence
Provident God, aware of my own brokenness,
I ask the gift of courage to identify how and where I am
In need of conversion in order to live in
solidarity with all Earth's people.
Deliver me from the violence of superiority and disdain.
Grant me the desire, and the humility,
to listen with special care to those whose experiences
and attitudes are different from my own.
Deliver me from the violence of greed and privilege.
Grant me the desire, and the will, to live simply so
others may have their just share of Earth's resources.
Deliver me from the silence that gives
consent to abuse, war and evil.
Grant me the desire, and the courage, to risk
speaking and acting for the common good.
Deliver me from the violence of irreverence,
exploitation and control.
Grant me the desire, and the strength, to act
responsibly within the cycle of creation.
God of love, mercy and justice.
Acknowledging my complicity in those attitudes,
actions and words which perpetuate violence,
I beg the grace of a non--violent heart.  Amen
(This is a prayer currently prayed throughout the congregation of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.  Author unknown.)


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