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Ordered Time



Each week Dennis Keller is posting General Intercessions for the upcoming Sunday liturgies.  He is a lay Dominican from the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina.  He also provides weekly input for our feature Volume II.

General Intercessions

Twenty First Sunday of Ordered Time

August, 25, 2024

Presider: As we approach the altar of the Lord, let us bring to the Lord’s  table the needs and anxieties that separate us and hurt our hearts.


Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, hear our prayer.”


1.we pray... that Pope Francis, our bishop ______, and religious and clerics be inspired to seek ways of growing the faith in the people, we pray...


2.we pray... that Christians embrace the words of Joshua, committing his family to serving the Lord by serving the needs of family, neighbors, parish, and nation, we pray...


3.we pray... that corruption in religious and secular administrations be exposed and corrupt leaders replaced by persons of integrity, we pray...


4. we pray... that the Spirit move the hearts and minds of our parish to welcome the love of God made known in the presence of Jesus in the Incarnation, in the Word, in the Eucharist, and in those gathered here in the name of Jesus, we pray...


5. we pray... that violence in homes be overcome with genuine love, that family feuds over inheritance be replaced by charity, that political conflicts bow to compromise, and that war be replaced by diplomacy, we pray...


6. we pray... that the healthy are moved to accompany the sick and injured and that those in bodily or mental suffering grow in courage, patience, and love of God through their ordeals, we pray...

7. we pray... for those who have died this past week (list names of deceased) for _____________ for whom this Mass is offered (state Mass intention) and for those who will die this coming week, we pray...

8. we pray... for all gathered here as we share with the Lord our needs, concerns, and struggles. (Pause). May the Lord accept these requests as we place them on the altar of sacrifice, we pray...


Presider: Father, as we begin our Prayer of Thanksgiving and offering, be attentive to the needs expressed and to those hidden in the recesses of our hearts. May our prayers be answered with the peace you gave to those in the upper room. Increase in our spirits a strong faith in your abiding presence with us. This we ask of you through your Son who lives with you and the Holy Spirit now and forever.


Response: Amen.


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  "Blessings on your preaching."

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