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Ordered Time



Each week Dennis Keller is posting General Intercessions for the upcoming Sunday liturgies.  He is a lay Dominican from the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina.  He also provides weekly input for our feature Volume II.

General Intercessions

Twenty Second Sunday of Ordered Time

September 1, 2024

Presider: As we remember God’s reaching out to us, let us pray now that our lives be transformed by the wisdom of Father, Son, and Spirit.


Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, hear our prayer.”

1. That the work and prayers of Pope Francis, Bishop ____, clergy, religious, and associations of laity provide leadership and modeling to the church for personal and communal transformation by walking in the way of Jesus, we pray


2.  That Catholics gathered in communal worship commit in service to serving the least among us and those on the margins of society, we pray


3. That politicians throughout the world serve the common good of their people and reject corruption and bribery, we pray


4. That our parish members and their families discover God’s fingerprints in the wonder of nature and in every person and respect and celebrate God’s works, we pray


5. That violence against children, vulnerable adults, and struggling immigrants be understood as sin against the image and likeness of God in those persons, we pray


6. That persons afflicted by accident or disease receive relief through medical professionals that returns them to family and their worshipping community, we pray


7. That relatives, friends, and members of our worshipping community (list those who have died this past week), for _____  (list mass intention) and those who will enter the portal of death this week be welcomed into God’s Kingdom by relatives there joined by saints and angels, we pray


8. That those who attend to the safety of our communities, to health, and  national defense be supported by this parish and protected by the Lord, we pray.


10. That all gathered here have their needs fulfilled, their anxieties released, and their struggles addressed by the Father, we pray


Presider:  God of justice, illumine our hearts and minds with your saving Word. Shine light and wisdom for our thoughts and actions that we become mindful of your abundance in creation and the interdependence of all life. We ask this in the Name of your Son who lives and reigns with you in the Holy Spirit.


Response: Amen.


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  "Blessings on your preaching."

General Intercessions Archive

(The latest are always listed first.)

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