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by Sr. Brenda Walsh, Racine Dominican


Recently the United Nations Development Program released a report entitled: “Humanity Divided:  Confronting Inequality in Developing Countries.” It gives us a strong reminder that in our world today, social development and social justice are badly needed more than at any time since World War 11. There are many clear signs that the current situation cannot be sustained much longer.  Inequality has been jeopardizing economic growth and poverty reduction.   It has been stalling progress in education, health, and nutrition. It has also limited access to economic, social and political resources, and has been driving conflict and destabilizing an already fragile international community.

In 1971, the World Synod of Catholic Bishops published a document entitled “Justice in the World.” They stated that “Action on behalf of Justice and participation in the transformation of the world fully appears to us as a constitutive dimension of preaching the Gospel. or in other words, of the church’s mission for the redemption of the human race and its liberation from every oppressive situation”.

In today’s globalized world, life is often driven by economic and financial   engines. It is easy to lose sight of the common good and the needs of  the human family in such a world. The only thing that counts is power and control which is in the hands of a few, with little concern for the millions of nameless and faceless people  who are struggling  for their very lives This kind of poverty in a world of plenty is truly a scandal that must be eradicated.  Pope  Francis offered this challenge to the international community. when he said “the scandal of poverty  in a land of plenty is a piercing moral challenge for the whole human family. A way must be found to enable everyone to benefit from the fruits  of  earth  and not simply to close the gap between and affluent  and those who must be satisfied with the crumbs falling from the table. There must be a new stimulus to international activity on behalf of the poor, inspired by something more than good will, or promises that all too often have not been kept.”

Catherine of Siena once said: “Cry out with a million voices, for it is silence that kills the world”. We are urged to ask the right question and contribute to the public debate to bring about a just, fair and peaceful world.

Read the full article on DLC @ Ordo Praedicatorum 2012.


Justice Preaching Archive

Just click on a title below to read the article.
- The latest titles are listed first. -

• Justice Bulletin Board •
• A New Year •
• Two Essays on Peace •
• A Call To Respect and Welcome Diversity - A Challenge of Our Faith •
• Addressing White Power and Priviledge •
• An Ethical Reflection on Work... •
• A Re-energized Catholic Church •
• A Renewed Call for Nuclear Disarmament •
• Called to Proclaim and Live With Moral Courage •
• Called To Protect the Poor In Our Economic System •
• Call To Persevere In Praying and Working for Peace •
• Care For the Environment •
• Care for the Earth •
• Caritas in Veritate •
• The Challenge of Discipleship •
• Comprehensive Immigration Reform •
• The Death Penalty Revisited •
• What Is Ecological Economics •
• Eliminating Global Poverty •
• Global Warming... Calling for an Urgent and Ethical Response •
• God's Fool •
• Green Congretations - A Growing Movement •
• More Gun Control •
• Healing the Racial Divide •
• Speaking the Truth in Today's World Takes Courage •
• Justice and Compassion •
• Labor Issues and the Catholic Church •
• Is More Consumer Spending the Answer? •
• Moving from A Culture of Violence to a Culture of Peace •
• Preaching Justice & Moving from Violence to Peace •
• Reaching For the Stars - Brenda Walsh •
• A Call To Reduce Prison Population •
• The Relationship Between Labor And the Catholic Church •
• Sermon On Domestic Violence •
• Sustainability •
• The Death Penalty •
• The New Economy Movement •
• The Role of Ethical Standards... •
• War Is Not the Answer •
• Witnesses To Hope •

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